======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : TEMPLDEF EXAMPLE PROGRAM ======================================================================== This directory contains a utility that implements a subset of the C++ 3.0 syntax for templates. This application is a DOS utility that requires the MFC library MAFXCR.LIB or the debug variant MAFXCRD.LIB. The syntax of the templates implemented and the operation of the tool are described in the technical note, MFC\DOC\TN004.TXT. Please refer to that note for a discussion of the templates. This directory also contains the files required to build the collection variants used by the MFC Library. AFXCOLL1.H and AFXCOLL1.INL are the header file stub that prefix the generated NEWCOLL.H and NEWCOLL.INL files. AFXCOLL2.H and AFXCOLL2.INL are similar files appended at the end of the generated NEWCOLL.H and NEWCOLL.INL files. ARRAY.CTT is the template for the array collection shape. LIST.CTT is the template for the list collection shape. MAP.CTT is the template for the map collection shape. MAP_S.CTT is the template for the map collections that use CString class objects as either the KEY or VALUE of a map. MKCOLL.BAT is a DOS batch file that will construct the various collection shapes and variants that are used in the MFC library. The MFC\SRC subdirectory already contains expanded versions of the varieties used in the core MFC library, so the use of this tool is not required to build the library. You should consider using these templates as a guide for developing your own generic abstract data types. NOTE: This tool is an example program and the syntax it supports may change in the future. It is provided as a sample application only.